Category: Completed Events 2014

The Audax UK season runs from 1st October to the end of September, so the local 2014 season started with Ed’s Mince Pie and Mulled Wine ride in December 2013, and the last few months of 2014 fall in the 2015 season.

If you completed an event within the time limits and with a valid Brevet you will be included in the number of riders finished and you will usually appear on the full AUK results list for the event. You can order cloth badges and metal medals for the standard distances, and Grimpeur medals for AAA points, online from the Audax UK website.

A Cornish 100 and A Bunny Hop

13 April, 2014
Starting from Falmouth
Organiser Adrian Hitchman

A total of 115 riders took part in these events, on a sunny day that showed up the varied route in all its scenic glory. Some photos are already available on the Falmouth Wheelers’ site – please send us links to your photos and ride reports.

Audax 100km Badge103km
Starts 09:00
no AAA A Cornish 100
AUK id 14-135
73 riders validated
Audax 50km Badge50km
Starts 10:00
no AAA A Bunny Hop
AUK id 14-134
39 riders validated
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Ed’s Mince Pie & Mulled Wine 50

1 December, 2013
Starting from Caharrack
    Organiser Eddie Angell

This event is the first in the Audax Kernow season, and has become a popular pre-Christmas treat for local cyclists from a wide variety of backgrounds. This year was fully booked in advance as usual, and over 80 riders took to the road in excellent winter riding weather – ice-free, dry and calm.

The scenic route offered enough climbing to keep the riders warm and to enable their full  appreciation of the magnificent refreshments at the mid-point control at Penventon Farm.  Returning via Black Rock, the ride ended with a final fast descent to the arrivée and a chance to socialise and enjoy a warming glass of mulled wine with mince pie and cream.

There is a ride report here. If anyone has any pictures from the event let us know and we’ll add a link.

50km Badge60km Starts 10:00 no
Ed’s Mince Pie & Mulled Wine 50
AUK id 13-16
78 riders validated
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