Category: Completed Events 2017

The Audax UK season runs from 1st October to the end of September, so the local 2017 season started with the 23rd October events from Connor Downs, and the last few months of 2017 fall in the 2018 season.

If you complete an event within the time limits and with a valid Brevet you will be included in the number of riders finished and you will usually appear on the full AUK results list for the event. You can order cloth badges and metal medals for the standard distances, and Grimpeur medals for AAA points, online from the Audax UK website.

Devoran Events 16th July 2017

Calling the new 100km ride “Blue Sea” was probably tempting fate.

The day was mostly overcast and often mizzley, and riders on the West Penwith loop had difficulty seeing Lanyon Quoit, let alone the glorious view out to sea that makes the climb worthwhile. Nevertheless, we had a cheerful field who made the most of two stops at the new Gwithian Church Hall control and returned in good spirits to Devoran and rather nicer weather. As did the small but select group of Peter’s Point riders – everyone finishing in good time and probably the least damp of the day’s entrants.

The Lizard and the Camel 200km was more of a challenge in this year’s weather than last year’s sunshine, but the riders rose to the occasion brilliantly with nearly all the starters finishing. A number of last year’s riders took it on again, and two riders new to the distance gained their “Randonneur” status – chapeau!

Thanks to Peter, Eddie and Chris for expertly manning the Gwithian control, and to all the riders for taking part, playing the game, and making the day fun.

Links to the lists of finishers on the AUK site below. There are two sets of photos on the Facebook group.

Audax 50km Badge
Peter’s Point
AUK id 17-767
7 riders listed
Audax 100km Badge
Red River Blue Sea
AUK id 17-106
18 riders listed
Audax 200km Badge
Lizard and the Camel
AUK id 17-765
18 riders listed
Posted in Completed Events 2017, Devoran July 2017, Pictures | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Mine and Mineral Railways – 25 June 2017

Chris Rayne’s photos here:

Results lists on the Audax UK site as linked below.

Audax 50km Badge67km Mines and Mineral Railways (ON-road)
AUK id 17-836
37 riders listed
Audax 50km Badge66km Mines and Mineral Railways (OFF-road)
AUK id 17-837
65 riders listed
Posted in Carharrack June 2017, Completed Events 2017, Pictures | Tagged | Leave a comment

Penzance X-Rated Events – 11 June 2017


Audax 200km Badge207km AAA Gold Grimpeur Medal3.75 AAA Four Hundreds 200
AUK id 17-326
4 Riders listed
Audax 300km Badge308km AAA Gold Grimpeur Medal5 AAA Even More Rivers
AUK id 17-327
2 Riders listed
Posted in Completed Events 2017, Penzance June 2017 | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Falmouth Events – 23 April 2017

A new route this year for the 100km ride met with general approval, as did the customary generous spread at the Cricket Club afterwards.

Photos from the events are on the Falmouth Wheelers website.

Results lists on the Audax UK site as linked below.

Audax 50km Badge
A Bunny Hop
AUK id 17-134
29 riders listed
Audax 100km Badge
A Cornish 100
AUK id 17-135
82 riders listed
Posted in Completed Events 2017, Falmouth April 2017, Pictures | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Ed’s Mince Pie and Mulled Wine – 4 December 2016

4 December, 2016
Starting from Caharrack
Organiser Eddie Angell


Eddie’s ride is always a winter treat, and this year we were blessed with dry weather – and a keen wind to sharpen the appetite.

As usual, the ride was more or less fully booked. 77 riders made it to the start, and every one completed the ride with valid brevet – well done all of us!

Greed and good spirits tend to keep the pace lively on the way out to the control and this year we had the wind (mainly) helping us as well. We got a bit of buffeting on the tandem, so knew it would be essential to refuel well before the return.Higher Lanner Farm Control

As in previous years, huge thanks are due to Wendy for the warm welcome and legendary refreshments. The spread at the farm was imposing, varied and delicious as usual, with pasties, sausage rolls, scones and cakes all temptingly displayed. The collection for Parkinson’s raised £173.

eds2016simonThe return, as far as the tandem was concerned, was a bit more leisurely to allow for digestion as well as a long climb into a headwind.

A second welcome back at the arivée from Eddie and from the kitchen, where Simon and Liz were serving mulled wine and mince pies – a happy end to the event and a fitting start to the festive season.

Thanks to Eddie for once again organizing a splendid ride, and to helpers Peter Hansen, Simon Jones, Liz Rayne and of course Wendy Wallis.

50km Badge60km Ed’s Mince Pie & Mulled Wine 50
AUK id 16-16
77 riders listed
Posted in Carharrack December 2016, Completed Events 2017, Pictures, Ride Reports | Tagged | Leave a comment