Despite the high wind forecasts there was a good turn out for the Celtic Coastal and Celtic Canter events, including a number of riders new to Audax.
Updated 6th December to add results links:
60km | No AAA | Celtic Canter AUK id 16-629 16 riders listed |
100km | No AAA | The Celtic Coastal AUK id 16-547 52 riders listed |
Thanks to Will Hancock for this ride report.
Celtic Coastal Audax 100k
And so to the end of a year of great riding, or rather I should say the start of another Audax season! I got back cycling in 2014 following a running career curtailed by injury. “ Get a bike Will, get a bike Will” said Cliff a work colleague and now fellow Audaxer, and after riding my first sportive (with Cliff) the Lands End 100 miler it was, “ride an Audax Will, the Dartmoor Devil is coming up….” I was surprised to find that 100 km could be harder than 100 miles, especially when accompanied by all those steel bike riders, but liked the ethos and connoisseur feel of the Audax scene.