Sunday 19th June 2022
Starting from Carharrack Organiser Simon Jones
A longstanding and popular Cornish randonnĂ©e in dual format – a 67km route on the tarmac for the roadies, and a 66km parallel off-road route for the mountain bikers, which is 90% off-road and has some technical bits. Both trace the now scenic industrial landscape of the Copper Kingdom and the Great Flat Lode, returning to the Carharrack hall twice with the option of enjoying a pasty lunch and a cream tea.
Please enter and order your food in advance. You can pay and enter online via the AUK website or by post:
- Online entry Once you have made your event entry on the AUK site (links below), use the Audax Kernow part of the AUK Store to select and pay for your food option (follow the organiser’s website link on the AUK details page, or navigate from the AUK site menu). Here you can choose your pasty (meat or veggie), cream tea or rice pudding. In order to checkout you will need to be logged in. If you are not an Audax UK member, you can register (at no cost) on the AUK site and then log into the site to make your purchase.
- Postal entry Download the postal entry form from here. Complete the entry details and your food choices and return with payment as shown on the form.
67km Starts 10:00 |
no AAA | Mines and Mineral Railways (ON-road) Details from Audax UK site |
66km Starts 10:00 |
no AAA | Mines and Mineral Railways (OFF-road) Details from Audax UK site |