Tag Archives: A Cornish Hundred

Not quite a breeze – Falmouth 7th April 2024

With Storm Kathleen hardly past, and forecasts of gusts up to 45 miles per hour, prospects for the first Audax Kernow events of the year did look a bit challenging, but the mood was buoyant as we assembled at the Falmouth Cricket Club. A very creditable turn-out, and great support and catering by the Falmouth Wheelers.

The finishers lists are on the Audax UK website – links below.

Tandem Tail

A Cornish 100 Départ
(Photo courtesy Scott Mitchell)

Overall, we found the wind seemed to prove more of a help than a hindrance to our tandem on A Cornish 100. This event uses several variations of route, but all live up to the name – nothing too extreme, but very much the full Cornish experience with coastal views and lane riding, and plenty of ups and downs. This year we started with the usual circuit of Pendennis Head and Falmouth beaches, which did give us the full headwind experience, and a couple of extra hills thrown in before we set off towards Gweek. The lanes were sheltered but the climb up to Boskenwyn and the continuing northerly ascent to Beacon certainly benefited from the wind on the back.

The route down from Beacon to Long Rock usually gives back some of the effort put in going up, but we were increasing aware that the wind was no longer entirely in our favour. All the same, emerging at Long Rock was a shock with a wild sea, crazy wing surfers lifted high over the waves, and the gallant controllers trying to hold everything down.

We expected the worst for the drop down from Rinsey Croft to Porthleven, where the gateways can produce some worrying cross winds at the best of times, but the descent was nothing to worry about, and the climb back out a gear or two easier than usual. There was enough west in the wind to give a bit of continuing benefit, and the final turn south back to Falmouth was mercifully short and sheltered. As the final arrivals, we had a warm welcome and plenty of cake pressed upon us.

Falmouth Finishers

A Cornish 100 AUK results 24-135 51 riders listed
A Bunny Hop AUK results 24-134 19 riders listed
Posted in Completed Events 2024, Falmouth April 2024, Ride Reports | Tagged , | Leave a comment

A Cornish 100

Sunday 7th April, 2024
Starting from Falmouth
Organiser Philip Conroy

This cross country ride starts with a circuit of Falmouth beaches and then heads out to Gweek and across to the edge of Camborne. Then down to Marazion and views of St Michaels Mount. Back via Porthleven, to the usual refreshments.

Audax 100km Badge106km
Starts 09:00
no AAA points A Cornish 100
Details and entry from Audax UK site
Posted in Events, Falmouth April 2024 | Tagged | Leave a comment

Audax Kernow 2023 Season

A belated round-up of the events of 2023 and links to results.

After starting our season with the Falmouth events on the 2nd of April, next up were the 50km, 100km and 200km events from Perranwell on the 21st of May. All three rides were well supported and the weather was kind. Some nice photos of the Lizard and the Camel 200km from St Austell Wheelers and of Peter’s Point 50km from Newquay Cycling

The Mines and Mineral Railways on- and off-road events followed on the 18th of June, and again we were lucky with the weather. Pasties and cream teas went down well, and the off-roaders were no muddier than usual.

The final events of the season were the 200km and 300km events from Penzance on the 25th June. There was just one rider on the challenging Many Rivers to Cross 300km event, and although it was not run as a Paris-Brest-Paris qualifier this year, it nevertheless preserves its record: so far, every PBP entrant who’s completed this ride has also completed their PBP. Lucy Bufton finished both with little time to spare, and her account of her Many Rivers to Cross ride appears in the Winter 2023 edition of Arrivée, the AUK magazine.

The Audax UK site lists the validated finishers – links below. E-bike riders are not included in the official lists, but were welcome on all the Brevet Populaire rides and deserve full credit for meeting the different challenges involved.


A Cornish 100 AUK results 23-135 49 riders listed
A Bunny Hop AUK results 23-134 38 riders listed
Lizard and the Camel AUK results 23-765 30 riders listed
Red River Blue Sea AUK results 23-104 20 riders listed
Peter’s Point AUK results 23-767 12 riders listed
Mines and Mineral Railways
AUK results 23-836 23 riders listed
Mines and Mineral Railways
AUK results 23-837 28 riders listed
Many Rivers to Cross AUK results 23-327 1 rider listed
Four Hundreds 200 AUK results 23-326 5 riders listed
Posted in Carharrack June 2023, Completed Events 2023, Falmouth April 2023, Penzance June 2023, Perranwell May 2023 | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Cornish 100

Sunday 2nd April, 2023
Starting from Falmouth
Organiser Philip Conroy

This cross country ride starts with a circuit of Falmouth beaches and then heads out to Gweek and across to the edge of Camborne. Then down to Marazion and views of St Michaels Mount. Back via Porthleven, to the usual refreshments.

No entry on the day, online or postal only. Ride will be validated on the day, return SAE not required.

Audax 100km Badge106km
Starts 09:00
no AAA points A Cornish 100
Details and entry from Audax UK site
Posted in Events, Falmouth April 2023 | Tagged | Leave a comment

The story so far

Here’s a quick review of the Audax Kernow events since our restart after Covid 19 restrictions, with links to some photos and to the Audax UK results lists which show riders with validated brevets.

First were the Falmouth Wheelers’ Bunny Hop and Cornish 100 events run in September 2021 and, with a variation of route, in April this year. Then in May we had the 100km Celtic Coastal run by new organiser Charlie Jarrell. Last week saw the return of the Mines and Minerals On-road and Off road events. All well attended and much enjoyed, in varying weather conditions.

Sunday 26 September, 2021Photo gallery on the Falmouth Wheelers’ web site

A Cornish 100 AUK results 21-135 33 riders listed
A Bunny Hop AUK results 21-134 25 riders listed

Sunday 10 April, 2022 – Photo gallery on the Falmouth Wheelers’ web site

A Cornish 100 AUK results 22-135 59 riders listed
A Bunny Hop AUK results 22-134 20 riders listed

Sunday 15th May, 2022 – Facebook post and pictures

The Celtic Coastal AUK results 22-165 13 riders listed

Sunday 19th June, 2022 – Facebook post and pictures

Mines and Mineral Railways
AUK results 22-836  21 riders listed
Mines and Mineral Railways
AUK results 22-837 36 riders listed
Posted in Carharrack June 2022, Completed Events 2021 and 2022, Falmouth April 2022, News, Pictures, Ride Reports, Wall May 2022 | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment