Category: Carharrack June 2016

Mines and Mineral Railways Events 26 June 2016

Great rides, tasty pasty and cream tea. Good to see so many riders from up country, including another tandem.

Shame about the weather but off-roaders like it muddy don’t they.

More photos from the event available on Google photos and Facebook.

Audax 50km Badge
no AAA Mines and Mineral Railways (ON-road)
AUK id 16-836
35 riders listed
Audax 50km Badge
no AAA Mines and Mineral Railways (OFF-road)
AUK id 16-837
45 riders listed
Posted in Carharrack June 2016, Completed Events 2016, Pictures | Tagged | Leave a comment

Mines and Mineral Railways ON-road and OFF-road

26 June, 2015
Starting from Carharrack
Organiser Simon Jones

These two events explore Cornwall’s mining heritage in the ‘Copper Kingdom’ between the Channel and the Atlantic, with the optional extra of a pasty lunch and a cream tea.

The off-road event is a 40 mile ride using the old tramroads and bridleways that criss-cross mid Cornwall’s mining area. This route is 90% off road – mountain bike recommended. The on-road event is a similar distance over the same territory, but sticks to the tarmac of the lanes.

Order your choice of pasty and either rice pudding or scone with cream and jam using customised form or online entry at

Audax 50km Badge67km
Starts 10:00
no AAA Mines and Mineral Railways (ON-road)
AUK id 16-836
Details from Audax UK site
Audax 50km Badge66km
Starts 10:00
no AAA Mines and Mineral Railways (OFF-road)
AUK id 16-837
Details from Audax UK site
Posted in Carharrack June 2016, Events | Tagged | Leave a comment