Lizard and the Camel

16 July, 2017
Starting from Devoran
Organiser Martyn Aldis

210km event from Devoran village hall, planned with the first-time randonneur in mind.

The route provides more modest ascent than other 200s run in Cornwall but it is scenic in the literal sense. The Camel Trail is used for a 21km section but this can be avoided on supplied all-tarmac alternative. Controls at Lizard Village, Gwithian and Padstow, plus 2 information controls.

Includes free cereal and toast at the start and soup, pud and snacks at the finish, with shop and café opportunities at controls and elsewhere on route.

Audax 200km Badge210km
Starts 08:00
no AAA Lizard and the Camel
AUK id 17-765
Details and entry from Audax UK site
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