Author Archives: MartynA

London Edinburgh London 2017 from the armchair…

…the office desk and the bed. Yes, tracking LEL riders has been hard work for me, with a real shock about how long the event seems to go on when also trying to do a bit of normal life as well.  I hope we’ll have a report from a rider at some point but in the meanwhile for anyone who hasn’t had tracking fever this week the bare bones are that in the 117 hours category Kevin from the far west finished with hours in hand but sadly Trevor from Helston had to abandon with an Achilles tendon problem after just a glimpse of Scotland. Robin from Mylor rode in the 100hr category and finished with a good buffer intact in spite of two long sleep stops.  It’s quite possible he even had time to shave. One rider who certainly did not was Anco from the Netherlands who completed the 1440km event in about 63 hours.

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Time to enter Devoran events

Lizard and the Camel Depart

Riders preparing to leave Devoran on the Lizard and the Camel in May last year

Route sheets and GPX files are now being sent out to entrants on the three Devoran events. The Gwithian control this year is in the church hall, where Peter and crew will have a bit more shelter and some mid-ride snacks available – so no trips down to the Towans this year unless you want to view the surf.

To enter online, follow the links to the AUK website.

Lizard and the Camel 210km
Red River Blue Sea 110km
Peter’s Point 56km

If you are a member, log in before going on to enter so that the entry automatically has your details. If you are paying by Paypal, be sure to return to the AUK site afterwards so your payment is recorded.

Advance entry is open until midnight Friday 14th July. Entry on the day available subject to numbers.

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Devoran Events 15th May 2016

Lizard and the Camel DepartThe results lists for the events on Sunday are now up on the AUK site – see links below.

There was a very good turn out for the new Lizard and the Camel Brevet de Randonneur, including a lot of people attempting this distance for the first time. Just two strategic withdrawals during the ride – everyone else finished comfortably in time, so congratulations all round and Chapeau to the new randonneurs. Medals and brevet cards will be with you in due course.

The 12 riders on the 59km Peter’s Point ride also did well – everyone finished and returned to Devoran in good spirits. The results for the Cove and Cliff 110km were “mixed”, with only 20 riders validated out of 38 starters, mainly due to very incomplete brevet cards rather than inability to ride round the route.  Three riders failed to say they had abandoned the ride. Such a high percentage of DNFs (actually CBAs) reflects badly and compromises the viability of my future events.

Gwithian ControlThe riders had the benefit of excellent weather and a scenic stop at Gwithian Towans where Peter Hansen and Phil Samuels dispensed bananas, cake and water – and perhaps a bit of encouragement to those with many miles still to go.

Many thanks to both of them for their support and help and to Margaret for her 16 hour stint in the kitchen.

Audax 50km Badge
Peter’s Point
AUK id 16-767
12 riders listed
Audax 100km Badge
Cove and Cliff
AUK id 16-766
20 riders listed
Audax 200km Badge
Lizard and the Camel
AUK id 16-765
26 riders listed
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Kernow and Southwest 2015 Penzance Control

Simon Jones at the Penzance ControlIn response to a short-notice request from the general direction of Exeter, Audax Kernow organisers and web admin plus Falmouth Wheelers SR Trevor ran the Penzance control for the Kernow and South West 6oo km Audax this weekend.



Simon Jones took on provisioning and organised the crew, Peter Hansen managed the paperwork, both with the ease of decades of experience, while for Trevor and me it was a chance to see the strange world of the multi-day event from the other side of the counter for the first time.

A rich aromascape kept Max entertained too.

Here are some pictures of riders leaving the control, fed, watered and we hope refreshed for the next stage of this challenging ride.

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Events from Devoran 17 May 2015

We saw a total of 71 riders leave Devoran on Sunday. Despite some of the usual suspects being away from home “The Granite and Serpentine Way” saw more riders listed than any year since 2008: ourselves on tandem, thirteen on geared solos and one on fixed wheel.  Navigational mistakes and Garmin-assisted sailing on past controls led to a rather high DNF count on “A Lizard Loop” but all twelve who started the “Carns and Killas” had their brevet cards in good order for the finish.

There are some pictures from the event in the Falmouth Wheelers’ Photo Gallery.

Many thanks to the controllers, Jennifer Petzing at Towednack, Peter Hansen at Lizard Village and to everyone at Little Pengelley Tea Rooms.

Audax 150km Badge167km
Starts 08:30
no AAA The Granite and Serpentine Way
AUK id 15-128
16 riders listed
Audax 100km Badge106km
Starts 09:00
no AAA A Lizard Loop
AUK id 15-129
29 riders listed
Audax 50km Badge54km
Starts 09:30
no AAA Carns and Killas
AUK id 15-130
12 riders listed
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